The full registration fee will be charged to the REGISTRANT. This fee includes all necessary instructional materials and is paid prior to course activation or, if they opt to Pay Later, before the REGISTRANT is able to proceed past module 1. REGISTRANTS may use Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and/or Discover cards to pay the course tuition during registration. This tuition includes everything necessary to complete the course: customer service, technology, completion reporting, etc. There are NO hidden fees.

Please note: The Pre-Licensing Course is NOT designed to help a student pass the road test.


NTSI offers training to the REGISTRANT 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Course availability may be affected by circumstances such as, but not limited to: system, site or connectivity failure over which the NTSI has no control. The Course is available upon completion of registration.


NTSI's Learning Management System (LMS) is compatible with all modern desktop, tablet and mobile browsers:

We also support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, but strongly encourage upgrading to one of the aforementioned modern browsers. Some courses contain audio and video elements, so to take full advantage of these, be sure your speakers are turned on and audio isn't muted. Subtitles are available for videos.


Customer Service/Support is available to all students via the following platforms: Email (, Phone: (718) 816-0533 or (800) 733-6874 Monday thru Friday 8am-8pm.


Upon successful registration and first login, the STUDENT must answer various identity questions AND perform a vocal print enrollment by calling a toll-free number and reading a series of words or numbers. These identity questions and vocal print will be used routinely throughout the course to verify the STUDENT'S identity. If there are three (3) failed attempts, STUDENT will have to start the course from the beginning by calling the NTSI office. There will be no additional cost to the student.

Vocal print enrollment and verification will be recorded and be able to be recalled by NTSI. This is used by NTSI to help fine tune the vocal print validation process, as well as determine if a student is attempting to cheat the validation system. These recordings are stored until the student has completed their coursework and been successfully processed.


NTSI's courses are equipped with progress meters that track the time spent within the course and indicate which segments are in progress or completed. This bookmarking feature enables STUDENTS to pause a study session and to return at a later date to resume where they left off.


CONTENT QUESTIONS must be answered at the end of each module and pass with a 70% correct answer rate or higher. Each module will have a 10 question graded test. STUDENTS will have UP TO 3 ATTEMPTS before getting locked out of the course. If a STUDENT fails three (3) consecutive times, STUDENT will have to start the course from the beginning. The course concludes when the STUDENT has completed all modules, quizzes and module tests.

STUDENT will be required to complete a brief 10 question survey about the program after they've completed the course content.


NTSI will report the STUDENT’S completion to the NY DMV within one business day after completion of the course and it will be posted on STUDENT’S driver record. In the event of a completion reporting failure, NTSI will convey to the STUDENT the required information necessary to process the course completion and resubmit to the NY DMV. There is NO COMPLETION CERTIFICATE at the end of this course or thereafter.

Answers to the aforementioned required survey will be included in the completion reporting.

SCHEDULING OF ROAD TEST can only occur 24-48 hrs after successful completion of the Online 5hr Pre-Licensing Course, once the completion has been successfully reported to the NY DMV to be posted on the Driver Record.


REGISTRANT and/or STUDENT represent and warrant that the information provided is true and correct, and acknowledges that the truth and accuracy of such information is a material inducement to NTSI in permitting STUDENT to enroll in the course.

REGISTRANT and/or STUDENT further acknowledge and agree that any willful or intentional misrepresentation by STUDENT regarding such user information or registration information constitutes a breach of this agreement and of the representations and warranties by STUDENT as provided in this agreement, and may subject student to liability for damages incurred by NTSI as a result thereof, including but not limited to general, consequential, and punitive damages.

While NTSI in good faith attempts to screen for eligibility, by agreeing to these terms, REGISTRANT and STUDENT acknowledge that it is their sole responsibility to affirm eligibility for this course.


REGISTRANT and STUDENT acknowledge and agree that the liability of NTSI and their agents and employees for any act, omission to act, or negligence on the part of NTSI and their agents and employees, is strictly limited to and shall not exceed the amount of the registration fee actually paid by REGISTRANT.


Refund requests can be made within three (3) business days from the registration date for a full refund. Once the course is started, students may only receive a partial refund.

STUDENTS may receive a refund in full if they have not completed more than two modules and a refund request is made within 30 days of initial registration, less processing fee.

Any student who has not successfully completed the course within 30 days of the registration date shall be terminated without notice.

This course MUST be completed within 30 days of registration, no exceptions. This is a state-wide rule that NTSI must adhere to. Any completions after 30 days of the registration date are automatically rejected by the NYS DMV Completion Reporting system.

In the event of an expired course, NTSI may grant an exception to re-register the student at no cost. The course must be started again from the beginning with the same registration information, regardless of STUDENT progress in the now-expired course.


NTSI is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. NTSI collects demographics and information about driving attitudes and behaviors from STUDENTS throughout the course and at several different points on the website. NTSI will not sell this information to promote products or services unrelated to our training programs. To view our full Privacy Policy, you may visit our webpage here.


To take this course, you must:

If you do not meet these pre-requisites and misrepresent this during the registration process, you will not be eligible for a refund. NTSI will be unable to successfully report your completion to the NYS DMV as their system will not accept erroneous data.